
Why Now is The Best Time of Year to Buy a New Bus

Model 1 | November 21, 2016

Why Now is The Best Time of Year to Buy a New Bus

How to Get the Maximum Tax Benefits When Shopping for New Buses for Sale

For many small businesses, tax liabilities create a financial burden as they drain resources. To minimize these liabilities, small businesses should take advantage of every deduction they may be entitled to. Timing, for example, plays a key role in when to shop for new buses for sale.

Taxable Income Determines Tax Liability 

It is true for both personal and business taxes that the amount of taxable income over the year drastically affects the percentage of tax liability, sometimes as much as 10% from one bracket to the next. To reduce your liability, you want to limit your taxable income through timely deductions.

Timing and Tax Brackets 

Throughout the year, it is important to keep in mind your current tax status. If, for instance, your business’s taxable income increases towards the end of the year, you might find yourself in a new tax bracket with higher liabilities. Businesses should carefully time the purchase of large items to reduce the chances of obtaining a higher tax liability.

Depending on your business’s tax situation, you may be able to deduct the total cost of qualifying large purchases, effectively reducing your business’s taxable income and preventing you from moving to a higher tax bracket.

New Buses for Sale Qualify for Tax Deductions

Tax deductions are a business’s go to for reducing operating costs and tax liabilities. One of the largest deductions a business can make involves the purchase of large equipment. Businesses may be able to deduct part or all of the cost of qualifying purchases, such as when adding a new bus to their fleet. This is the easiest way to prevent your business from paying more in taxes due to a shift in tax bracket.

More Deduction for Buses

Buses provide businesses with additional opportunities to reduce tax liability through valuable tax deductions, such as:

  • Mileage
  • Fuel costs
  • Maintenance
  • Annual Fees

Small businesses benefit the most from these types of deductions by timing large purchases according to annual taxable income. End of year is a great time to make these large purchases as you have a clearer picture of taxable income and current deduction value.

Creative Bus Sales

To learn more about these valuable tax deductions and for more information about purchasing a new buses for sale, please contact the professionals at Creative Bus Sales today.