
Tour Bus Essentials You Didn’t Consider

Model 1 | June 14, 2014

Vacationers value convenience. By offering bus service to your guests, you’re saving them time during their valuable vacation. The more convenience you offer your guests, the more likely they’ll look to your company again the next time they book a vacation or tour. Here’s how to get the most out of your tour bus:

No Rental Required

If you purchase a bus that has enough space for luggage, you can offer pickup for your guests from the airport to your resort or their resort of choice. Having a bus available will save guests the headache of trying to find their own and save them from the costliness of booking a car or van. Promoting this service is easy. Just make the information available on your website, as well as train your phone staff to recommend your airport shuttle service.


Buses can be equipped with one or more flat screen monitors at the front or throughout the bus. For longer journeys you may want to show a popular television show or a movie, but consider what could play during normal commercial breaks or before and after the show airs. A video is a great way to highlight all of the amenities of your tour service.

The video can serve multiple purposes — it will excite guests about their vacation and it will make their time on the bus seem to fly by. The video can also alert guests to features they might not be knowledgeable about. Also consider allowing outside attractions to showcase their facilities as well. This can bring in valuable revenue for you and may allow for popular future routes.

Friendly Bus Driver

What many tour and resort companies don’t consider is the temperament of the bus driver. Many times, the bus driver will be the first person a traveler encounters on their vacation and may set the mood for the entire trip. The bus’ driver can be a valuable resource for guests. Drivers can share weather forecasts and other helpful information that vacationers might need. He or she can also offer the same friendly, courteous service that your other employees provide, and can represent you and your company well.

Tour Promotion

Buses have ample space on their sides, so you can advertise your services to other motorists. You can try a colorful, attention-getting paint job or banners that highlight your services, along with your phone number and website address. Since graphics are installed on most buses nowadays, it’s easy to customize your options.

Bus Ride Repeats

After guests experience the convenience of the bus at your resort, they will undoubtedly tell their friends and family. This word-of-mouth will increase your business and keep guests returning for vacations year after year.

When utilized efficiently and smartly, a tour bus can be a great addition to a resort or existing tour service. With many possibilities to use the bus, there can be many different ways to get your company name into the world. Before you know it, you could need to buy additional transportation to cater to your additional guests.