
Tips for Buying a Bus

Model 1 | June 24, 2015

Tips for Buying a Bus

A bus is a great asset to own. If you are in the market for one of these passenger vehicles, there are several things to consider before making a purchase. It can be a substantial investment, so you want to put in the necessary legwork to find the best vehicle for your needs. Here are some important bus purchasing tips to assist with your search.

Passenger Capacity

This is the most obvious and probably the most important factor to contemplate. Estimate the number of passengers you will be transporting. Include room for growth. Calculate current numbers and then add some for projected growth. It is always better to have too many seats rather than too few.


Fuel is a huge determining factor when looking at overall cost and efficiency. Do you want regular gasoline, diesel fuel, or even an alternative fuel source? Two of the most favored alternative fuels are compressed natural gas, known as the CNG, and propane. CNG is especially good for frequent long-distance traveling vehicles. Many trucking companies are switching to this alternative because of its environmental and financial benefits. Check the availability and prices of various fuel types in your area. Estimate the cost savings for each type and compare it to the upfront cost of an engine using each fuel.


Licensing is determined by the number of passengers and size of a vehicle. Larger buses require drivers to have a specific license. Make sure that your driver has the proper license to operate the bus you are evaluating. The guidelines are simple and straightforward. Check with your local DMV for information.

Other Details

There are a number of small details to observe. Air conditioning and heat for example, could be vital, depending on the weather in your transportation area. Do not underestimate the importance of air conditioning in warm climates. Buses can get very hot and stuffy, making passengers highly uncomfortable. Luggage capacity is another factor. Many larger buses have spacious storage areas underneath. Some have overhead compartments, similar to that of an airplane. Storage racks can also be installed on top of vans and other vehicles If necessary. If you plan to carry passengers long distances, check for adequate luggage space.

These are just a few tips to help you find the right bus. Many of the other things to think about are personal preferences. Things like style, age, and manufacturer are simply a matter of opinion. It is helpful to write a list of questions to take to the seller. This way, you do not forget to ask crucial questions. Take your time when searching for a vehicle. The perfect bus is out there, you just need to find it.

Contact us for more information and assistance.