
Bus Tip Tuesday: Using Tech to Stay on Track

Model 1 | February 14, 2017

Bus Tip Tuesday: Using Tech to Stay on Track

Bus Tip Tuesday: Using Tech to Stay on Track

Understanding how to maneuver the bus system can be tricky, but if you are smart and tech savvy, you may be able to avoid some of the pitfalls of bus riding. Taking the bus means keeping track of how early to arrive at the bus stop.

  • Tip 1: You should try to be there 5-10 mins early. Although rare, the bus can be early.  Know the traffic patterns.
  • Tip 2: If you’re leaving at rush hour, know that you might not be the only one on the bus or on the road.Know the number of bus stops.
  • Tip 3: It helps to plan out when to head to the front of the bus, and know other detailed information.Twitter_bird_logo_2012-1.svg

This Bus Tip Tuesday, we’re going to take a glance at how tech makes riding the bus much easier. Various cities have detailed bus route information on their websites that are easily accessible by mobile devices.

In addition, a good number of towns offer apps that keep riders and bus drivers informed about all kinds of travel information.

Here’s how some apps are assisting people on their daily commutes:

  1. Many colleges and universities offer apps that track their shuttles. These shuttle trackers show where the buses are, as well as the various stops on the routes. Students waiting for the shuttle bus can check where their shuttle is on the route at any given time. For example, The University of South Carolina (Photo right) offers real time tracking of buses so you’re not waiting around wondering where if your bus is running on time.
    • The apps are probably particularly useful for students who want to carefully plan their schedules and ensure they aren’t late for the first days of class.
  2. The MyBusVue app tracks school buses and lets parents know where their children are at any given time while riding the school bus. The app shows stops, estimated time of arrival, and shows when children get on the bus with a scan record. This could be especially helpful if parents like to wait for their children before or after school.
  3. Apps like The TransitMyJTA Bus, and LA Metro allows users to search for buses by line or destination. Users can locate routes, access real-time information, and plan trips with simple, easy-to-understand navigation. Among various features, this app helps users compare the time it takes to get somewhere by a specific bus line, shuttle, or other mass transit choice.

Don’t forget to check the forecast with a great weather app so that you’re not waiting too long out in the cold this winter. Some apps even show local weather patterns with real-time information, called “nowcasting.”

In addition: Leave us a comment and let us know what you love about your bus systems techTwitter_bird_logo_2012-1.svg and if you’re interested in buying new or used bus for your city, contact us.