
10 Tips for Winter Driving to Keep Buses Running Safely

Model 1 | December 8, 2016

10 Tips for Winter Driving to Keep Buses Running Safely

As a bus driver it is vital that you practice safe driving habits this winter. Whether you’ve just begun looking at buses

for sale or have hundreds of miles under your tires we have ten winter driving tips to help get you where you are going safely this winter.

This blog should be a part of your winter checklist before you hit the road

10 Winter Bus Driving Tips:

  1.     Be prepared for any situation

It is your responsibility to make sure you are taking every precaution necessary to remain safe this winter.

  1.     Clear away ice, snow, frost, and fog

To drive safely you need to be able to see clearly. Remove any buildup on the windshield, mirrors, head lamps, and defroster vents.

  1.    Check your tires

Make sure your tires are ready for the winter weather by inspecting the tread and installing tire chains if necessary.

  1.     Know the road conditions

To be better prepared, get a good feel for the road conditions before you take off and adjust your driving accordingly.

  1.     Do not be afraid to slow down drastically

On poor roads you should always pay close attention to your speed. A good rule of thumb is that if there is snow pack, slow down by at least 1/3, and if there is ice, you should slow down by half of your speed.

  1.     Give yourself extra space

Stopping on ice and snow requires additional stopping room and if the vehicle in front of you slams on their breaks, you need to have that extra space to slow down and stop safely.

  1.     Avoid your cruise control

This may be tempting but as handy as cruise control is to maintaining safe speeds, it’s not recommended for use on wet, snowy, or icy roads.

  1.    Be aware of over-passes and bridges on your route

These places will freeze before other sections of the road and should be traveled with care in the winter.

  1.     Get to know your ABS

New buses for sale and many older ones come standard with ABS, which improves the bus’s stopping power. Understanding the best way to use ABS can make the difference between stopping in time and not.

  1.  Take it nice and slow

Avoid potential problems by easing your bus to a stop and slowly getting it moving again. Plan extra drive time as the weather gets worse and remember that slow and steady is safer this winter.


Creative Bus Sales Can Help

To learn more tips on improving winter bus safety, or to request more information about buses for sale, please contact the experts at Creative Bus Sales today at 800.326.2877!

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